Hey y’all! I wanted to share this recent post on private channels in Microsoft Teams. Its one of the most requested features in Microsoft User Voice, but it can potentially present some serious governance issues. Learn all about it here!
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The discussion of including private channels in Microsoft Teams has been a long one. The concept sounds straightforward enough; private channels would only be seen and accessible by the creator and whoever he/she invites. In practice, however, the feature has been a major development challenge. Here’s what you need to know.
Why People Want It
So, what’s so special about private channels, anyway? Why’s the demand so high?
Well, private channels would enable admins to have more granular control over who can and can’t access certain content. Sensitive material could be more easily gated. Having private channels would also make something like a manager/executive-only chat within a Team possible.
Why People Don’t Want it…
To continue reading about this highly-requested feature, click here.