If you’re like me, I suspect that you are working on multiple projects day-in day out. In fact, your job title might not even be “project manager”. These days, regardless of your role, we are all engaged with projects large or small.
What tools do you use to help you with managing your projects? Did you know that email is still the most common tool people rely on to manage their projects? While email works, you know it’s not as reliable as it should be.
What if you can efficiently keep track of project schedule, communications, files, who’s working on what, integrate existing tools you use like email or Microsoft Office suite of products and relevant reports from beginning to end—all in one place that’s accessible by any device and computing platform?
Check out my Digital WPC blog post as I share 5 ways that Project Online can help you fast track project management success.
I love office 365 and the features like this it brings. Cheers Dux.
We did an infographic not long ago on project management for SharePoint which was good fun. It is a massive subject and like you say you don’t even have to have the title project manager to manage multiple projects.
Some of the clients I know are using Office 365 and are pretty happy with it. However, I’m a bit skeptical for using a Microsoft or a Google technology that might just vanish in a year or two.
The nice thing about 365 is that it’s paid, so Microsoft is making money out of it, which means that it’s here to stay at least for a few years. I would stay away from any “free” solutions.